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[97+] Chinese Flowering Almond Bush Liste

Glandulosa alba plena is the white version. Prunus glandulosa commonly called dwarf flowering almond is a small multi stemmed shrub that typically grows to 4 5 tall and spreads to 3 4 wide.

Jane And Phil And Stuff February 2018

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A healthy properly planted flowering almond will leaf out in early spring and may even bloom the first spring after planting although the first year bloom may not be as profuse as it will be in the following years. Flowers stay on the bush all summer long and well into fall making sweet almonds good sources of nectar for butterflies and birds. The long spiked flower clusters of tiny almond scented flowers are very fragrant.

Flowering almond is much more cold tolerant than flowering cherry so it s a good substitute in zones where winter temperatures go below freezing. One plant can fill your garden with a strong sweet almond or vanilla like fragrance. This was a favorite shrub of thomas jefferson and he planted it extensively at his monticello estate.

It s exceptionally cold hardy and is one of the first shrubs to bloom in the springtime and it can grow up to 12 feet in height. It is thus sometimes called a tree. Prunus glandulosa shrubs commonly known as dwarf flowering almonds or chinese plums grow well in zones 4 to 8 and reach a height of only 4 to 5 feet.

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