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Given the differences in illumination and script it is possible that this quran was originally in two volumes. Mughal era quran early 18th century.

Art Bank Shahnamah Indian Art Persain Art Calligraphy

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Mughal period was the golden period for the development of painting in india. The reduction of artists in the mughal painting workshops by jahangir shah jahan and aurangzeb meant that a number of artists had to find new work and many regional courts benefited greatly from the influx of former imperial employees. This quran appears to be a composite manuscript.

The genius of persian calligraphy is the first exhibition of its kind to focus on nasta liq a calligraphic script that developed in the fourteenth century in iran and remains one of the most expressive forms of aesthetic refinement in persian culture to this day. Indian calligraphy took off starting around 500 ad when indian traders colonists military adventurers buddhist monks and missionaries brought the indic script to central asia from south east asia. The mughal emperors were muslims and they are credited with consolidating islam in south asia and spreading muslim arts and culture as well as the faith.

After that time it continued to exist as a considerably reduced and increasingly powerless entity until the mid 19th century. Mughal era quran manuscript with fine calligraphy india 18th century. According to the exhibition s website nasta liq.

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